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Tried, tested, trusted

Neocrete's previous generation Activator, D5 Green, has been successfully used in commercial, residential and infrastructure projects in New Zealand, including schools, galleries, homes, precast panels for City Rail Link and major overseas projects from high rises to hydro stations. Building on this success, Neocrete has been specified in major commercial projects in 2022-2023.


As part of our R&D, we have been independently testing D5 Green in New Zealand and Australia since 2018. D5 Green is BRANZ appraised for durability and water tightness (download BRANZ certificate here).

Test Results AU & NZ

Independent review of D5 Green’s test results in NZ and Australia

Report by Michael Khrapko*, Concrete Engineer (Consultant), Director of CBE Consultancy.


The scope of the report is to provide an analysis of the D5 performance in comparison to Control and professional opinion on the efficiency of D5 additive on a number of different aspects of concrete characteristics.

*Michael is a member of IPENZ (Institute of Professional Engineers of New Zealand), is Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) and International Professional Engineer (IntPE).

Test Result Strength

Compressive strength tests at different ages of concrete

By WSP Opus Research*, April 2019


Compressive strength test reports:

NZS 3112: Part 2: 1986 Clauses 5&6


Age 1 and 3 days



D5 Green at 2%

D5 Green at 3%


Age 7 and 28 days


D5 Green at 2%

D5 Green at 3%


*IANZ Accredited Laboratory

Test Result Carbon

Cradle to gate carbon analysis
of D5 Green

By Edge Environment*, Sydney 2019​

Neocrete commissioned Edge Environment* to conduct a scoping life-cycle assessment (LCA) of the carbon footprint of a range of concrete mixes with and without D5 Green.


The primary intended audience for the LCA is building and infrastructure project teams specifically focused on green ratings such as Green Star and Infrastructure Sustainability Rating.


This LCA shows:


– up to 20% greenhouse gas reduction per cubic meter of ready-mix concrete from cradle to gate from the use of D5 Green;


– and up to 33% greenhouse gas reduction from a combination of cement substitution and the use

of D5 Green.

*Member of Green Building Council Australia, contributes to Green Star’s Technical Advisory Group.


*Member of the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia, and technical working group members.


Information for specifiers

Specify Neocrete D5 Green to:

  • reduce ordinary Portland Cement (GP) in the concrete, and thereby reduce the embodied carbon of the project,

  • maintain early strength for concretes containing Supplementary Cementitious Materials, and/or

  • reduce the water permeability of concrete - i.e. produce watertight concrete.


Concrete containing D5 Green is usually specified as Normal concrete.

Concrete containing D5 Green will have lower water and cement content when compared to standard concrete of an equivalent grade. Enhanced durability is achieved even at lower cement levels due to the reduced permeability of concrete with D5 Green, as per the BRANZ appraisal 1144.

Concrete containing D5 Green meets maximum Chloride Ion and SO3 contents, however if you need to estimate the full CI and SOcontents of the mix design please contact Neocrete for SO3 and CI contributions of D5 Green.

Information for ready-mix suppliers

Concrete containing D5 Green is batched as normal concrete in accordance with NZS 3104.


Since concrete containing D5 Green will have reduced cement and water content, trial mixes are strongly recommended to establish the optimum dose rate. Please contact Neocrete for advice on how to optimise the mix design for concrete containing D5 Green.

The recommended target slump for concrete containing D5 Green is typically 40-60mm higher than that of control mixes. Concrete containing D5 Green has higher viscosity, which reduces the risk of segregation at higher slump. Please contact Neocrete for advice on determining the optimum target slump for your project.

Concrete with D5 Green sets faster, hence accelerated slump loss can be observed. A set retarder may be required for hot weather conditions or remote locations.

Concrete containing D5 Green is compatible with most SCMs and admixtures, however their recommended dosage rates are typically reduced. Trials are recommended to establish the optimum dosage rates.

Information for concrete placers

To achieve the best results, the normal good practices for concrete placing, finishing and curing should be observed as per Concrete NZ Guide To Concrete Construction.

  • All placing, pumping, finishing and curing of concrete with D5 Green shall comply with NZS3109.

  • Concrete containing D5 Green is typically batched to a higher slump to account for accelerated slump loss. When requesting slump on site, it is recommended to increase the slump by at least 20mm.

  • D5 Green can also be used on site to restore workability. Please refer to the D5 Green dosing guide for slump correction and contact Neocrete for advice.

  • A finishing aid is recommended to assist with finishing and to prevent plastic shrinkage cracking.

  • When there is a risk of plastic shrinkage cracking (evaporation rate close to 1.0 kg/m2/h) an anti-evaporation agent (finishing aid) shall be applied. This will help to prevent excessive evaporation of water from the concrete surface.

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